Observation (total 1)

# Project Release Date SAS Id Antenna Set Instrument Filter Channel Width [MHz] Number Of SubArray Pointings Nr Stations Core Nr Stations Remote Nr Stations International Number Of Stations Number Of Correlated DataProducts Number Of BeamFormed DataProducts Quality
1 COM20_002 2025-09-11 2039813 LBA Sparse Even 30-90 MHz 0.000000 4 22 13 13 48 488 0 unknown


Project code identifying the project/proposal the data belongs to.

Release Date

Date at which the data within the project will be publically released (still active projects may move backwards)


Unique ID corresponding to the "L"-number (SAS-ID) in all systems.

Antenna Set

The antenna configuration of the stations used.

Instrument Filter

Frequency filter used for the observation.

Channel Width

Width of a single frequency channel.

Number Of SubArray Pointings

The number of SubArrayPointings (SAP) of this Observation, click to show.

Nr Stations Core

The number of Stations used from the Core

Nr Stations Remote

The number of Remote Stations used

Nr Stations International

The number of International Stations used

Number Of Stations

Total number of stations used in this observation.

Number Of Correlated DataProducts

The number of CorrelatedDataProduct(s) produced by this Pipeline or Observation, click to show.

Number Of BeamFormed DataProducts

The number of BeamFormedDataProduct(s) produced by this Pipeline or Observation, click to show


Annotated quality metric of the observation/pipeline

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Project Information

projectDescriptionLBA observations of the COSMOS field at Dec+02

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